Dan Wesson Large Frame Hex Drive Wrench


The EWK Dan Wesson large frame hex wrench offers some great features! First, it comes with a .44 caliber pilot, and can be used in conjunction with any 1/2" socket tool such as a torque wrench. Secondly, the best feature is if you have a stuck barrel nut...just remove the pilot, and use in conjunction with a piece of 5/16" all thread, nuts, and washers to get that stuck nut out.

This wrench is not recommended for general use, the wrench with the handle is a better choice. The key to any of the wrenches working well is to apply down pressure (like a screw driver) to keep it engaged with the nut. Of course its possible with this one, but harder to do.

Please visit the products webpage link below for a picture of the wrench in use.

Also visit the following link for more information on removing stuck barrel nuts -http://www.danwessonforum.com/faqs/

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  • Manufactured by: EWK Arms

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